So Not Right

A place to publish things that are So Not Right. Also a place for me to put my own thoughts out there on the internet (I guess my thoughts could be considered So Not Right as well).

Friday, February 16, 2007

Tickle Me Elmo on fire

This Video is SO NOT RIGHT, and it will make you laugh!

Friday, February 09, 2007

I Thought This Was Funny

If you are up on your current events then you will probably understand the humor of this So Not Right cartoon.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Mr. Price is Right

I received another photo from my buddy Austin who was a big winner on the Price is Right last year. He recently received his huge stainless custom made refrigerator compliments of the game show. He sent me a picture of it and I thought I should share it with you all.

I will be going back to the Price is Right for one more try at being a contestant while Bob Barker is still in control of the stage. The taping I am going to will be in March. Austin was kind enough to give me some pointers on getting picked by the producers to be the "next contestant on the Price is Right!!!" Thank Austin and congratulations again.