So Not Right

A place to publish things that are So Not Right. Also a place for me to put my own thoughts out there on the internet (I guess my thoughts could be considered So Not Right as well).

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My So Not Right Vacation

Well my first big trip of the year is about to begin. I am going camping, and I do mean camping. Sleeping in a tent, no air-conditioning, and a 14 hour drive to the camp grounds. I am not going crazy, I really want to do this. This whole trip has been the brain-child of my friend Jim. He went to this camp in Greeneville, TN last year for the 4th of July weekend and had a blast. With very little arm twisting he got me all interested in going. I am looking forward to leaving the big city behind and just hanging out at the camp. I have been doing alot of shopping to get ready for this trip. I have a tent, air mattress, cooler, bug spray, cook stove, propane lantern, beer, water, etc...for the trip. We are renting an SUV just to haul all of our stuff across country for this little trip. I will take lots of pictures and I am certain there will be lots of So Not Right things to report once I get back. Here is a look at most of the crap I have to pack in the vehicle.
Happy 4th of July to all!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Update to Previous Post

Well leave it to someone else who is So Not Right to "fix" the photo in the previous post. Turns out there was someone that the tent landed on. (Read below) Thanks Cal for the clearer photo.

Be Careful of What You Ask For...

...because you just might get it.
It has been dry here in Dallas, very very dry. No rain since before Easter I think. Everyone is watering their lawns just to keep them from turning brown and ugly. We have all been begging for rain, any amount of rain, just rain, PLEASE.
We got what we asked for this weekend.
While a bunch of us were off enjoying a fantastic pool party this past Saturday night, a huge storm system moved in and gave us a much needed respite from these dry conditions. This was no rain shower, this was pouring down rain that lasted and lasted. (The pool party kept on going) After the pool party a bunch of my friends came back to my house with me to pick up cars etc...
Someone had asked if my dog was ok since he was left out in the monstrous storm we just had. I politely replied that the dog had a wonderful awning tent to keep him dry if he should ever get caught out in the rain. (the awning tent that I speak of is the white tent we use at Easter ( see pictures in Fliker). We checked on the dog as soon as we got to my house only to find that the tent awning looked like it had gone through a hurricane. It was all twisted up and I half expected to see the Wicked Witch of the East's Feet and stocking legs poking out from the rubble. Thankfully the dog was fine even if his shelter was destroyed. I only wonder if he was under the tent when it collapsed, if he has any traumatic tales he wished he could share, or if I should call FEMA and get him a debit card to help with his relief efforts. Here is what the tent looked like after the fall.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Did you see the Price is Right today?

The Price is Right today featured the show that I was at last week. It was fun seeing the action on TV after going to the studio taping. Austin, the winner of the Showcase, was interviewed by his local paper. Here is the link:

I will try to post some of the video on YouTube and put a link here on the blog.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Price is Right Update

*****This show will air on June 13, 2006*****
Wow, what an incredible day. We had an awesome day at the Price is Right. We made lots of friends in line and two of our new friends made it to contestants row. Now before I go on I have to say that my sister and I (really more my sister) do alot of research on prices prior to going to any Price is Right taping. My sister has a pretty good handle on most small items on the show and is pretty darn good at figuring out the larger prizes. We made a deal with all our new friends in line that if they got up on stage we would help them from the audience if they needed help. We asked that they include us as their friends and family if by some long shot they win the Showcase at the end so we can go onstage at the end. Well at todays taping we got to put our skills to the test. Philip (picture in post below) made it to the stage and won his prize contest. He didn't win the at the big wheel but we were yelling and hooping it up for him. Now there was also Austin, another new friend who made it on stage and did a great job on his pricing game. He won at the Big Wheel and then he won his Showcase. It was wonderful to see. He let the producers know that we were part of his group and sure enough, my sister and I got to go onstage with his friends and jump up and down on camera as we did the goodbye wave. It was awesome. Thanks Austin for letting us share in this experience with you. It has been a fabulous "So Not Right" experience for us. A picture of Austin is below.
Congratulation Austin!!!

Austin is on the left, making the peace sign

The Price is right

We are here in Los Angeles and my sister and I have spent the night out on Fairfax and Beverly Boulevard waiting to get an arrival number for today's taping of the Price is Right. It is quite a process. The fun is meeting all kinds of fun people from across the country while waiting all night. We got in line at around 2:00am. We were number 14 and 15 in line. At 6am we got our priority numbers. We go back in just a little bit to check in. The taping is at 2:30pm. I have uploaded a few pictures of the line (see below). For more, click on the flickr tab on the right of this post to see the Price is Right pictures.

People we met in line

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My New Life Begins

This Monday marks the last day of work for me at my current job. I am about to take a much needed and deserved break from working. I plan to take close to two months off and enjoy the heck out of the summer.
My first So Not Right thing to do will be to fly to Los Angeles with my sister to attend two tapings of the Price is Right. You heard me correctly, I will be working hard to try and be "the next contestestant on the Price is Right". This will be my fifth time to go to see the show. It is an all night and all day affair to get in to the show and sit on the first four rows in the center. We have to sit there so we get good camera time. I know, "So Not Right". This time I hope either my sister or I make to contestants row. I will post the air date of the shows we see.