So Not Right

A place to publish things that are So Not Right. Also a place for me to put my own thoughts out there on the internet (I guess my thoughts could be considered So Not Right as well).

Friday, February 24, 2006

It's beginning to Peep a lot like Easter

Yes, I am a little bit crazy when it comes to Easter. Easter has always been a big celebration for me and my friends in Dallas. Over ten years ago I started going to an event called Easter in the Park. It is always a fabulous day with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra playing a free concert out in Lee Park, the SPCA has a pooch parade, and if the weather is warm enough, lots of shirtless men. My friend Gary and I decided we needed to have bonnets one year. They were such a hit that we started doing bonnets every year. Every year the bonnets got bigger and wilder. Then we started having a theme for our Easter Celebration. The first real theme we ever had was "Pretty in Pink". Our bonnets were pink, our shirts were pink, and our tent awning was covered in pink. Last year the event was rained out. It was quite a disappointment. This year Easter is a little later in the year and the weather should be much warmer than the past two years. Our theme this year is "Easter with my Peeps". The picture represents the 1,680 individual peeps that I purchased at Walmart today. The bonnets this year will be covered in Peeps. We have purchased a three foot inflatable peep, and now we are working on buying some peep easter baskets and purses. It is going to be one Peeping good Easter and I still have over a month to plan for out Easter bunny.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Barcode Tattoo

During Thanksgiving weekend of 2005 I went on a short holiday with my friend Paul W. While hanging out in South Beach, FL, I got this wild idea to get a new tattoo. I wanted the phrase So Not Right on the tattoo but I wanted it to be really "so not right". That is when I came up with the idea of the bar code idea. I thought it would be perfect to have a scannable tattoo. My first thought was to have the tattoo put on the back of my neck. My friend Paul was very much against the idea and kept telling me to really think about this, maybe find someplace to have some temporay tattoos made. Well I apparently sobered up and agreed not to do anything to quickly.

Once I returned home I turned to the internet for a little research on bar codes and temporary tattoos. I found that a permanant tattoo of a bar code would probably not scan due to the migration of the ink once it is in the skin. I also found that there is an artist who has been making barcode tattoos and he even makes custom scannable ones. (and to think I thought I had an original idea in South Beach, only to find out it was already being done). I ordered some tempoary tattoos from Scott Blake:

The end result was two sets of fun to use tattoos that really show how I am So Not Right.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Brokeback to the Future

this is a great parody of the Brokeback Mountain film will keep you laughing.