So Not Right

A place to publish things that are So Not Right. Also a place for me to put my own thoughts out there on the internet (I guess my thoughts could be considered So Not Right as well).

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I have safely returned from Camping...more to come.

I have just recently returned from my camping trip. Lets just say it was a Most Wonderful Experience. Lots of new friends and lots of new stories. I will post more once I have recoverd from the weekend. Until then check out the photo set I have added to my Flickr site. Click on the picture box to the right to go to that site. The photo set is called Timberfell.
Look for the next post in a day or two, it will be all about the best campfire I have ever been to. Here is a picture of my tent set up at camp (notice the disco ball) and my new friend Billy Ray, the first ever crowned as Ms. So Not Right.

Billy Ray (aka...Ms. So Not Right)

The home that Jim and I built for the camping experience complete with Disco ball and Donna Summer CDs playing


  • At 9:00 PM, Blogger Rebecca said…

    That picture of the trio of tents gave me the shivers. Seriously.

    Roughing It = Mariott Courtyard.


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