Madrid, Oh Madrid
I am writing this at 1:30 in the morning, very tired but also energized after a whirlwind couple of days celebrating Euro Pride in Madrid. First lets start our group getting together yesterday evening at 10pm for dinner. Nothing starts early here, dinner at 10pm is not unusual. On our way to dinner we spend time pushing through the crowds that have filled the areas of Madrid set aside for the Pride celebrations. It was nothing but wall to wall people. A very So Not Right thing happened, my blackberry was lifted from my pocket. I realized it as I made my way out of the crowd. Thankfully I was not carrying my wallet, or I am sure that would have disappeared. No big deal, just a stupid phone, but lots of phone numbers that were only stored there on the phone...I know backup backup backup the data. If you are reading this and I got your contact information in the last month or so, I probably now no longer have that information, please email me you information so I can stay in contact. After the cell phone disappeared we went on to dinner and then met up with our hosts friends, we enjoyed the crowds a bit more and then headed to a club and broke in line and went dancing until 7am....yeah, that will tire you out. I slept in a bit then got to tour the town with our friend Jorge, he lives here in Madrid. After the tour it was time for the parade. Oh my goodness what a parade it was, over 2 million specatators. In the picture with this post you will see the enormity of the crowd in just one small area of the parade route. Now what you may not realize is that where all of those people are standing is the MAIN road that goes through Madrid, the Gran Via. It is completely shut down for this event. There were so many people and so many amazing things to say. I will post a bunch of pictures in the next week. Now it is late and there is another party to go to...I think I am going to pass on this party, I need some rest, apparently there are several more parties going on Sunday afternoon....just So Not Right.