So Not Right

A place to publish things that are So Not Right. Also a place for me to put my own thoughts out there on the internet (I guess my thoughts could be considered So Not Right as well).

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day Holiday

Howdy folks. Memorial day weekend has come and gone. I threw my first So Not Right pool party of the season this past weekend. Rather than just have a pool party I decided we should have the first ever Memorial Day FEMA Ball. Why FEMA you ask? Well it is officially the beginning of hurricane season this week and I thought it would be good to honor FEMA prior to them screwing up this season. I set up the big white tent from Easter in my back yard and hung a disco ball from the center. We had disco music all day. I even wore my "Hurricane Heros" t-shirt that my company gave to us as a thank you for evacuating patients from Houston last year. We were going to float some mannequins in the pool but decided that would be in poor taste. (can you imagine, something of such poor taste that I would not do it). We had a blast at the party. My So Not Right dog (Stoli) decided to entertain at the party and humped the rake and the hose reel. Jeff, one of the Detroit Boys, did take pictures of the party througout the afternoon. As soon as I get pictures from him, I will post here.
Have a wonderful week!!!!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Note to Self...

Something important for me to remember. Don't go out on a Wednesday night and have a drink or two after ends up more than a drink or two, and the headache in the morning...ughhhhhh, can make you feel So Not Right.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sad day today

Today I said goodbye to my cat Quantum. Quantum and I had been together for 16 years. Quantum came into my life right after I graduated from college and right when I started my first post graduate job. She was about 6 weeks old when I got her. She was my special kitty. Over the last year she had been having lots of medical problems. She was down to skin and bones but still loved to jump in my lap and purr. She passed away very peacefully at the vet's office this morning with me by her side. I am going to miss Quantum.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Jury Duty

Need I say more...that is where I am going today.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Wrong place to beg for money

Today I was at the local convience store filling my car with gas. Unleaded at $2.86 a gallon today. I don't usually complain too much about gas prices since I don't use my personal car much during the week. However, when I am filling up the tank I do get a little exasperated at the $35 price tag for the full tank of gas.
While going thru this experience, a guy approached me asking me if I could spare some money for him and his wife so they could get some food. There were a few SO NOT RIGHT things going on at this particular moment. First of all, there was no wife in the area. (this reminds me of the scam where someone asks you for money to put gas in their car, which is several blocks away and they have 5 kids sitting in the heat of the car while they are out panhandling).
My other problem was where the guy was begging for money...I wanted to shout at him "Dude, people are paying a fortune for gas right now, don't ask someone who is being robbed at the pump if they can spare any money."
All I did was point to the gas pump and tell the guy I could not help him. He seemed to understand that approach pretty darn well.
Just for the record, I do give money to some people who ask. I don't have a certain criteria for when and where, I just use my intuition. Sometimes it feels right and sometimes it does not.
It didn't feel right today.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Is My Blog Gay?

Down at the bottom of this page is an internet site meter. It logs information about "hits" to this blog. I can see from what country, state, and city a viewer may be from. It will even tell me from what web site a person clicks on a link that landed them on this site. Every now and again I will check the report and see if anyone besides myself ever looks at my blog. Today I noticed someone from Brazil had viewed my page and ended up on my page by clicking on a link on a blog called

Well I had to go to that site and see what is was all about. Sure enough someone has started a blog that links to a BUNCH of websites that this person considers gay. That started me thinking. Is my blog gay? Does my blog have a sexual preference or a sexual identity. Did the author of this other site consult with my blog before "outing" it? Intrestingly enough, two of my friends are also on the gay blog list, Ms. Ghetti (she's not gay but maybe her blog is)
and Jim (he is gay, but I don't know if his blog is)

Do we need to start a campaign to get blogs to come "out" of the closet and embrace who they are? Just a thought and a question from someone who is So Not Right.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Something a Bit More Serious

As any regular reader of my blog knows, I usually put some lighthearted messages or pictures up on this site. Well today I feel the need to be a bit more personal about myself. I did something that at first seemed So Not Right, but now I am certain I did something Oh So Good.
On Friday I officially resigned from a company that I have spent the last 11 years working for. It was not because I was mad, or frustrated, or because I hated someone there. Those feelings have all been validated at one point or another in my career however this resgination speaks to a much broader sense of what I need and want in my own life. My boss asked me to think about this over a couple of days and be sure that this is really what I want.
I have spent the weekend thinking about this and it is in fact what I want. I am ready to spread my wings a bit as well as take some time off just for myself...take care of myself this time.

For those of you who do not know, I am an Occupational Therapist, have been one for the last 16 years. I work as a Regional Manager for one of the largest Skilled Nursing/Rehab providers in the nation. After some time off I plan on returning to the treatment aspect of my profession, the hands-on working with the patient role. Don't get me wrong, I love the management aspect of my current job, but I need to be the therapist again, not the manager.

I am excited and a bit scared all at the same time. My thirty day notice started last Friday, so May 31st should be my last day. I am certain that my travel during my time off will provide some fun stories for this site. I am looking forward to sharing my adventures with you all as I embark on this new chapter of my life.